North Star University Institute
The North Star University System is conceptualized with social, economic, political, cultural and educational objectives. North Star University teachers will educate elementary, middle, and high school students to become leaders in our society who participate in the ongoing development and growth of the community, most often through workshops, field trips, programs, seminars and lecture series, voter registration, and education efforts.
The program is structed to be a school club, classes during advisory period at school, after school program, or Saturday school program at churches or other public locations.
We offer North Star classes periodically throughout the year. Please contact us if you are interested in joining a class!
To take a look at the textbook, click here.
Register for our next class!
Our next classes are scheduled to begin soon! You will choose one of these class times to attend and specify if you are attending in the Ennis or Waxahachie locations!
Classes will be held on Thursdays for 12 weeks from 6-8pm and on Saturdays
from 10am-Noon at the African American Hall of Fame Museum & Library, and in Ennis on Thursday evenings from 6-8pm at the Ennis Public Library.
Waxahachie Location: 441 E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Waxahachie, Tx. 75165
Ennis Location: Ennis Public Library, 501 W. Ennis Ave. Ennis, TX 75119
Ages 14 and up
Refreshments will be served.
For Covid safety, masks will be required.